
Thursday, July 17, 2014

The scale: things to know

That scale you have basically controls your life. Here, I'll show you how to manipulate it to get the lowest number possible, and how to deal with weight gain.

For electric scales

I personally own an electric scale, which means it counts every single ounce. Before you even think about weighing yourself, strip. Do not wear anything. It also helps to go to the bathroom before to get rid of unnecessary weight. Also, weigh yourself more than once and keep track of the numbers. I like to weigh myself three times and I try to count on the lowest number that comes up.

Non-electric scales

So... I didn't know what else to call these... Oh well. Anyway, these scales can be a little hard to read because you don't see a definite number like on electric scales. It is always best to know you exact weight down to the decimal, and the best way to do this is estimate. Pay really close attention to where the needle falls. Is it a little over to te right or left of the line? Again it always helps to use the restroom and take off your cloths when you weigh on these.

Weight gain

Oh no. You've stepped on the scale and you've gained a pound. Even if you fasted like crazy for a week, this is possible. When you restrict, your body slowly falls into starvation mode. After a few days, it will suck as much fat and nutrients as possible into your system. DO NOT LET YOUR BODY GO FULLY INTO STARVATION MODE. You have to eat just a little every day, or it will get harder to looses weight. I don't mean you have to binge, I mean you have to eat something with all little more substance than celery. And if you accidently binge, don't worry, but don't do it again. It's good to binge maybe once every two weeks, but don't do it too often or you'll gain weight. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

What my daily calories count will look like

So, I am at a camp for the next few days with horrid food. You know what that means! Nobody will be watching what I eat. We were given a meal calendar and I mapped out what I would eat each day, Andy days range from 200-400 calories total. I'm super excited about the weight I'm gonna loose, and I'll probably fast later. Yay!

Thursday, July 10, 2014


This is some thinspo that I really like. I need to start looking at it more... Having binge issues right now...

Monday, July 7, 2014

Hiding Food From Others

  If you're like me and are still living with other people, keeping your food intake to a minimum is difficult with people watching. Before I tell you some good places to get rid of your food, let me give you some don'ts!

-simply throw your food in the garbage. It's easy to find later
-hide food in your closet or room, it begins to stink and is hard to get rid of later
-use the 'I feel sick' excuse too often
-try to feed it to a pet with everyone watching
-spit your food in a napkin
-stuff it in your cloths during the meal

These make it easier to get caught. You absolutely do not want anyone to find out you are not eating. Here are some ways to get out of eating and hide your food:

-Always ask if it's okay to eat in your room
-flush whatever you can down the toilet, zero evidence!!!
-don't let being able to eat alone tempt you to eat.
-cut all of your food up, move things around on your plate, and talk a lot while eating. Afterwards, place a napkin or your drinking glass over your plate to make it look like you've eaten more.
-chew for long periods of time to make it seem like you are eating more.
-Offer some of your food to others if they finish before you
-Say you really enjoyed the meal and pick out specific things you liked about it
-accidentally push some of your food off of your plate while cutting or moving it
-maybe use the 'upset stomach' 'period pain' or 'i ate earlier' excuses every once in a while, but not too often!
-say you have something important to do and request to eat elsewhere

 I hope these tips help. Remember: you can almost always get around eating! always try to eat as little as possible. Don't ever think there is no way of getting out of eating, because there is and there is no excuse not to try. I wish you all the best in your weight loss journeys.

Stay Thin,

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Binge Eating and Cravings- How to Gain Control

  We all binge, it's a horrible habit that tons of us Anas repeat and regret later. When food and diet is the center of your life and thoughts, it's hard to control your eating habits. We try not to think about eating, but at the same time you have to because food is what you are trying to avoid. You just HAVE to binge, I mean it's all you think about, right? No. You can control what you eat.

  When you are focusing on not eating and not binge eating, you may find the temptation even stronger. The key to not eating is DISTRACTION! NEVER LET YOURSELF THINK ABOUT EATING! You know that every little crumb you take in and swallow is letting calories and fat inside of you, and that is exactly what you don't want. You only want the satisfaction of a full stomach, but in the end that full feeling is promoting weight gain. You don't want that food, you only want the taste and feeling of it. You can go without that. Things like gum and ice give you that same taste and feeling you are looking for.

  The only person who has control over what enters your mouth is YOU! It takes almost nothing to say no to that stupid cupcake or resist the rest of that steak. Basically, you have to make yourself hate food and it is really HARD! Telling yourself you don't want to eat is difficult, but it is true. You don't want to eat, you want to be skinny. If you can make yourself almost automatically resist and despise food, it will get way easier to loose weight.

  In the end it all comes down to your mind. use your mind to convince yourself that the food in front of you is horrible. You can do it! Your mind is what controls you! Not food! remember that, and you can control binge habits a lot easier.

Love you all,

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Ana Tips and Tricks

Ana Tips and tricks

Here are some things you can do to help loose weight:

1. Chug water and do abdominal workouts (crunches, sit-ups, ect.) when you want to binge.

2. Sucking in burns calories.

3. Chewing on ice or gun distracts you from hunger.

4. Eat only half of the food on your plate. This teaches control.

5. Eat on a smaller plate than normal. This tricks yourself into thinking you've eaten a full plate of food.

6. Make your food nasty by putting too much salt or spice on it, or putting food close together so that they touch.

7. Try to take at least 3 cold showers a week. Warming up burns calories.

8. Keeping good posture burns calories.

9. Stay hydrated. Always keep water where you can see it.

10. Exercise when you're bored. If you watch TV and do some squats or stretch so that you will be focused on the show rather than the sting of working out.

11. People can't force you to eat. Unless you don't want to be suspicious, Don't eat if you don't want to.

12. Try not to eat unless someone tells you to. This is great for preventing binging.

13. Keep food out of sight and avoid the kitchen as much as possible.

14. It's so easy to say no to unnecessary junk food. literally all it takes is to throw it in the trash. Once you grasp that it gets easier to resist the things you want.

15. Avoid meal replacement bars or protein bars. They are high in a lot of things you are trying to avoid by eating the bar.

16. Eat on a darker colored plate. Some how, this tricks you into thinking you are eating more.

17. Count to 100 when you feel hungry. This can change you train of thought and alter how you are thinking.

18. Try eating with you opposite hand. You'll focus more on the food you're eating and eventually get frustrated enough to stop.

19. Food is Pain. Remind yourself this by snapping a rubber band on your wrist when you are hungry.

20. Freeze Yogurt. It takes longer to eat so you'll feel like you've eaten more.

21. Eat the least at dinner. 6-7 PM is when your metabolism starts to slow down.

22. Ice water helps you metabolism and burns calories (makes your body warm up).

23. 3,666 calories are equal to a pound. That said, if you eat nothing and work that off, you will loose a pound.

24. peppermint curbs appetite.

25. Eat methodically. Count your bites, Chew slowly and chew a lot, cut your food up in equal pieces, organize your plate.

26. Celery is great to eat when you get hungry.

27. Try to do at least 50 sit-ups every morning.

28. Move while you eat. Bounce your knees, wiggle your fingers, anything.

29. Watch other people eat. This can gross you out and motivate you not to eat so you wont look like that.

30. Organize things. It burns calories and clears your head.

31. Track your calories, no matter what. 

32. When you first start, try to only get 1,500 calories per day, than slowly try to lower it to about 700 per day. I don't suggest going any lower than 300 unless you are fasting.

33. Brush your teeth before you eat. Tooth paste can make you not want to eat and alter the taste of the food you're eating.

34. Only enjoy the first three bites of your food. They're usually the best.

35. Avoid fried foods at all costs. Fried is not your friend.

36. Put down your utensils when you chew.

37. Avoid white foods (cheese, milk, pasta, cake).

38. Some websites with other tips:

39. Try to eat between 11:00 and 7:00.

40. Chew at least 20 times before swallowing.

41. Do not go for seconds. You will regret this later.

42. Concentrate on what you are eating, you might eat less.

43. Make a list of bad foods and cross out the ones you will never eat again.

44. Cut up your food before you eat.

45. Talk while you eat so you wont eat as much.

46. Never eat everything on your plate.

47. Chew gum while cooking so you won't eat while you are making food. 

48. Always distract yourself when you want to eat.

49. Keep thinspo around you all the time. Wether its in a scrap book, website, or anything else, look at it.

50. Flush food down the toilet then say you ate it to keep your family from being suspicious.